Monday, December 30, 2013

My Favorite and Least Favorite Books of 2013


Today is the last Monday of the month and of the year meaning this is my last post of 2013! 

So I thought I'd share my favorites and least favorites of the books I read over the whole 2013. These are all in no particular order. Anyway, here goes:


Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier
The Dark Unwind by Sharon Cameron
A Spark Unseen by Sharon Cameron
The Suburban Strange by Nathan Kotecki
Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carringer
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Kekkaishi 35 by Yellow Tanabe 
All Fairytail books I read this year by Hiro Mashima 
A boatload of manga by a lot of different authors
Taste Test(sorta) by Kella Fiore
Sweet Legacy by Tera Lynn Childs
Also Known As by Robin Benway
Tiger by William Richter 
Otherkin by Nina Berry
School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins
The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress
What Could Possibly Go Wrong by Prudence Shen
Spy Goddess by Michael P. Spradlin

Least Favorites:

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
The F*** It List by Julie Halpern
Invisible by Marni Bates
David by Mary Hoffman
Au Revoir Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber 
What I Meant by Marie Lamba 
Two Lies and a Spy by Kat Carlton
Blaze by Laurie Boyle Crompton 
The Different Girl by Gordon Dahlquist
Griff by Christopher Moore
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare 

So that's pretty much it, I think. Thanks for reading this year's posts and bearing with me when I didn't post for a while(if you even cared :D). Hope you have an awesome book-filled year next year. 

Bye for 2013!

Read on my friend,

Sumiyya <3

Monday, December 23, 2013

Busy, but Not Too Busy for Books

If you read my main blog you know I've been busy. If you don't why don't you? Just kidding, if you don't then I'm telling you here that I have been busy.

I've been horribly busy with helping my grandparents move, again, and doing homework and all that good stuff. Basically, life. 

Anyway, the point of this blog is that I've still been reading. I recently finished Legacy by Molly Cochran. It was okay. I started reading The Sweet Life of Stella Madison(too lazy to go see who the author is) and I'm not sure how I feel about it so far but it's been okay too. 

As soon as I finish that I've got a ton of other books to read and they have to be read before the 30th(because they're due then) which is in 7 days but I think I've got it covered. 

Basically, I haven't stopped reading in my absence, in fact it's one of the reasons I am busy. 

So that's pretty much it.

Read on my friend,

Sumiyya <3

Monday, December 9, 2013

Teardrop by Lauren Kate Review

Hello my fellow readers! As promised, I am back with a review. I'm not reviewing A Spark Unseen, sorry. I thought it'd be better if I reviewed a first book instead of a second. It helps because then you don't have to hope that the person has already read the first book and worry that you risk spoiling it.

Anyway, I'm doing a review to Teardrop by Lauren Kate. 
As you might know, Lauren Kate is the author of the Fallen series. I have never read the Fallen series and that is for three reasons: A. It's a "hype" B. It's about fallen angels which is highly shirkish(blasphemous), and C. I didn't really want to. And to the second reason you might say "But you read Angelfire and The Mortal Instruments." However, I didn't go into those books knowing that there'd be ***Spoiler Alert*** fallen/tortured angels or a girl who turned out to be an archangel. 

Anyway, on to the review. 

I give this book a 3.5 stars out of 5. 

Here's a summary of the book:

Eureka, a small town girl, is grieving the loss of her mother. She is feeling alone and uninterested in the things that she used to enjoy. She is now living with her father and stepmother who are worried for her and send her to therapist after therapist. 

Then, one day, Anders comes crashing, literally, into her life. Suddenly, things aren't as they seem anymore. Her oldest friend is acting very strangely, her mother left her something she doesn't understand, and to top it all off, Anders seems to show up into her life unexpectedly and disappear again in the blink of an eye. 

Then she learns that there is a legacy that pertains to her. She must find out a way to stop the impossible from happening, or be there to fight it if it does.

Well that's my summary of it. I hope it was good. I know it has to be better than that misleading blurb. 

Now time for the unspoiled version of what I thought of it: 

I thought that it was very interesting. I liked it but I didn't love it. It has me a bit conflicted. 

The plot was good, the blurb was misleading, the book seemed to drag certain things out and then the author must've realized that it had gotten too long and decided to gently speed things up a little. It wasn't totally rushed but it did feel that way a little. 

Anyway, I cannot wait for the second book. I wonder if this'll be a series or a trilogy. 

Now for the spoiled version of my opinion:


Mostly I am full of questions. Questions like: 

How did Claire break the circle?
What will become of Brooks? 
Why is Anders the "boy who will break Eureka's heart"?
Where has Anders been staying if he ran away? 
Is Eureka's mother secretly still alive?
Why'd Rhoda have to die though? Now Eureka's father has lost two wives and all his children are motherless. 
Does Claire have the Tearline too?

Other than these questions, I have to say: I think that the book was okay but a little rushed towards the end, as I said before. One minute she doesn't trust Anders for anything he's worth and the next they're kissing each other like they've been a couple for ages? 

Oh, and what was with the blurb? It was totally misleading. "Anders comes closer to making her cry than anyone else"? No, that's not how it went at all. She only nearly cried one time around Anders, when he smashed into her car. The other times she nearly cried was because of Brooks, because he was being a cruel jerk. So Anders is not the one who is mainly making her come close to crying. That also being because he wasn't present for, like, half the book anyway. 

Also, the interview. The author said that her husband did the same thing Anders did: picking up her tear and blinking it into his own eye. Okay, what the hockey sticks? This scene happening in the book was weird, yes, but it's a book. These things don't really, aren't supposed to, happen in real life. Who does this? I mean, it might sound all cute and stuff in the book(it doesn't) but I'm just imagining it and it just seems all kinds of weird. What drove the authors husband to do that? It just weirded me out. 

Anyway, back to my conflicted feelings on the book. I liked it. I wanted to really like it. I just don't think I can. I'm too conflicted. I want the second book. 


So thank you for reading my first ever proper review. If you liked it thanks, if you didn't, feel free to leave your opinion on what I should change. This is a learning experience, I will accept constructive criticism gracefully. 

Also, if you're planning to read Teardrop I highly advise you: ignore the blurb. It is misleading. You will think one thing and be shown another. 

That's it for now, hope you enjoyed it. 

Read on my friend,

Sumiyya <3 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Alice In Wonderland

Everyone is familiar with the book Alice in Wonderland, right? It's a classic story, one that is redone again and again.

As it is, you think you know the story because you've heard the basics so many times. 

However, this past week I decided to read the actual book written by Lewis Carroll. It was everything I had known and yet more. Some things I remembered and have heard but others I was surprised existed in Alice in Wonderland and wondered why no one bothered to insert those bits in their movies and renditions. 

Anyway, I found it hilarious and I'm glad I decided to read it. 

You know what, this is kind of like a review! Or maybe it is a review. Maybe I should do more reviews. Okay then, next Monday I will do a review on A Spark Unseen which I hopefully will have finished by then. Until then, I will sign off.

Read on my friend, 

Sumiyya <3 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Manga Bingeing, TBR Pile, and TAMIC


I decided that I'd make Monday the day for this blog as well. That way I just write two blog posts for the day and then I can wait until next week to write to more. Plus it helps that I'm already in the blog writing mode. So Mondays are the new days, yay!

So last Friday I went what I call "manga bingeing". It's when I have quite a de manga to read so I spend my whole day(or however long it takes to finish them all) on reading them. Here are the manga titles I read this time around:

Fairy Tail: Volume 31

Oresama Teacher: Volume 2

Vampire Knight: Volume 17
Kekkaishi: Volumes 34 and 35(actually the last two in the series :()

It was really fun. If you ever have any manga piles or graphic novel piles or even just any genre then I recommend going bingeing. It's a good way to get them off your TBR pile. 

Speaking of TBR piles, here's my most recent one:

As you can see, I still have some titles from previous TBR pile updates. I really need to speed up my reading. Maybe I should do a binge with just all of my TBR pile. I think I'll do that. 

So the last thing I wanted to talk about is TAMIC.

I don't know if I've mentioned it here before but TAMIC is The Anime and Manga Interest Circle. I've been wanting to join ever since I heard about it and I was going to go to the first meeting but everyone kinda dissuaded me so I ended up not going. Then when the second meeting came around, I decided I was going to go this time. I didn't care about the distance, the gas usage, I wanted to be happy. However that day my father had a doctors appointment. As the time for the meeting grew closer, my father wasn't any closer to getting back. In fact he didn't get back until the time when it was supposed to start. 

However, I was quite lucky that day because it turned out the meeting was cancelled. I felt so relieved at that point. Because I was heavily close to tears when I thought I'd missed it. 

So today there was another meeting. We were to be watching an anime movie called Steamboy. I was determined to make it this time. We went early, we arrived there on time, everything was going super well. Then, when the movie was about 30 minutes underway, in walks my little brother(who my mother made accompany me) and he said that our father was there and that it was time to go. I stood up as silently as possible, gathered my things, and left saying goodbye to everyone. 

Now believe me I was sure-fire pissed at this point but I calmly went to my father and he said it was time to go and so I gathered some books my sister wanted, checked them out and then we left. 

The car ride home I was fuming. I didn't let it show of course. I also tried not to be too mad seeing as my father had gotten me Ghirardelli peppermint bark which I've been wanting. I still couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment though. 

I'm really hoping I can make it to two next meeting and that this time it won't be the same but I'm thinking that maybe I should just give up. Maybe I was in way over my head and I should've just stopped from the get-go. I don't know.

Anyway, sorry for ranting like this. This is supposed to be my reading and writing blog but I wanted to share about TAMIC and I couldn't do so without getting some things off my chest.

It was really nice though for the time that I was in there. I learned the names of the organizer of the event: Ash and a new member like myself: Grace. Ash seemed pretty cool(and pretty cute hehe :D) and Grace seemed nice too, like someone I could really get to know. Too bad it was cut short. Sigh...

Anyway, that's it for now. 

Read on my friend, 

Sumiyya <3

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blind Book Dates and Teen Read Week 2013


I'm thinking that I should make a system for this blog like the one I have on my main blog. I don't think Thursday will be day though but who knows? 

Anyway, this week (10/13-10/19) is Teen Read Week! 
I absolutely love Teen Read Week. Also Teen Tech Week, and other fun activity weeks for teens. It's so fun! 

Yesterday I went to my library and discovered that it was Teen Read Week and I was like "Sweet!". The librarians have a bingo sheet for you to complete, programs for you to do and other fun stuff like that. Plus, get this: they had this thing called a blind book date! 

Basically what a blind book date is is that the have a book wrapped up in a brown paper cover with only a few words or ideas that relate to the book on it. You choose which one you think sounds interesting based on that and you check it out to find out what your book date is. 

Here's what I chose: 

Here's what it turned out to be: 

Sovay by Celia Rees! What's funny is that Celia Rees wrote another book called The Fool's Girl and I absolutely loved that book. However, I never even tried to see what other books she had written. Except for one: a book called Pirates, I believe. Don't hate me but I judged that book so hard by it's cover and decided I didn't even want to bother reading it. Maybe I should just give it a try anyway. 

So my date is going to wait until I finish some of the other books on by TBR list. I'm starting with a book called Taste Test. Or maybe I should read Wake because my book club on goodreads is reading that book and I haven't finished it yet. 

So, that's about it. 

Read on my friend(because reading is awesome! #teenreadweek2013),  

Sumiyya <3

Monday, September 23, 2013

To Read List *Sigh*

I don't know if you know(Why would you?) but reading is getting hard for me to do as my iPod proves to be a huge distraction. I'm sure we all know how that is. Technology is distracting. Even if you're not doing anything of real importance on your device, you're still deeply engrossed in it. Lately, I've been hooked on Instagram. Let me tell you, I scroll through my Instagram feed about 4 times before realizing it's the same stuff I've seen and then I move onto the popular page. Then after a little while I'll go surf a hashtag. So yeah, Instagram has got me wrapped up. Also YouTube. Yup, YouTube. Need I say more? :D

Anyway, the real point of this blog is that because it's getting harder for me to focus on reading, I have a huge to-read list. I'm going to list it below but unfortunately, no pictures this time as there are a lot of books and I'm feeling too lazy to surf the web for the pics of them all. 

So first on my list and actually a currently reading not to-read is: 
The Mortal Instruments Book Four: City of Fallen Angels. 

It's been pretty good so far. The whole series is good actually. It's kinda like this: the series is good and the plot is good but sometimes it's a teensy bit dry but I like to read it anyway. You know what I mean? 

So now I'll just actually list the books instead of saying the title an then a little more. :D

Here goes: 
Case Closed Volumes 41- 47 by Gosho Aoyama
Othermoon by Nina Berry
Wonder Show by Hannah Barnaby 
The Mortal Instruments Book Five: City of  Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
The Infernal Devices Book 1: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare(book and graphic novel adaptation)
Chantress by Amy Greenfield
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Taste Test by Kelly Fiore
Infinityglass by Myra McEntire
Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Momo by Michael Ende
Team Human by Justine Larbalester
In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters
Rampant by Dan Peterfreund 
Intuition by C.J. Omololu 
Transcendence by C.J. Omololu 
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown
Two Lies and a Spy by Cat Carlton 
Sweet Legacy by Tera Lynn Childs
The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech
The Boy on the Porch by Sharon Creech
Decked with Holly by Marni Bates 

So all in all I have 34 books to read. Good thing I'm almost finished with my currently reading book so I can get on to the others. I think I'll go smallest amount of pages to largest amount of pages, that way I finish faster. 

Well that's my extensive to-read list. 

Read on, my friends(I know I will try), 

Sumiyya <3

Friday, July 26, 2013

Othermoon by Nina Berry

What's up bookworms? How's it been? Yeah, I know, 21 days since my last post. So what? :P

Anyway, I'm here today to tell you a bit about the book I'm currently reading and don't worry: no spoilers! 

The book is Othermoon by Nina Berry.
It's the sequel to Otherkin which, I must say, was an awesome book. 

So, since I had  to wait a long time for this book to come out, I had sorta forgot what happened in Otherkin. However, a short trip through this book and it all came rushing back. Well, most of it anyway, just what I needed to remember.

Anyway, here's the gist of the series:

It's a book about a girl who can shift into a tiger. That's all I'm going to say. Go check this series out! 

Btw, I'm quite liking the development in the second book(this one). ^^

Read on my friends, 

Sumiyya <3

Friday, July 5, 2013

Ah, The Accursed Book

For some reason, today I was thinking of when my youngest sister was small. Like 2 years old small. When we lived in South Africa. She used to like this book called Lulu's Holiday:

We'd gotten it for her once at the library. We read it to her and from then on, she was hooked. She'd ask anyone and everyone to read it to her by simply holding up the book and saying: "Lulu Holiday!" We'd groan every time. We used to argue over who would read it to her that time. 

We were so grateful when it was time to take it back. But when we went back to the library, she'd seek it out and find it and we'd have to get it all over again. It got to the point where we would start seeking out Lulu's Holiday ourselves and hide it where she couldn't find it. 

Speaking of hiding books though, in that library you could only check out 5 books per card. So people actually used to hide books that they wanted to get but couldn't behind the row of other books. Sometimes we'd purposely look behind the books to see if anyone hid anything and if it was any good or sometimes if we came across a hidden book we'd just surreptitiously put it back in the hidden place. We even tried hiding books sometimes too. It would work sometimes but not others. 

Anyway, that was just a trip back into my(and my little sister's) past. 

Read on my friends, 

Sumiyya <3 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Faith in Bookkind Restored

You know how sometimes when you read a book that was so disappointing and not what you expect it to be you sorta lose faith in the bookkind? Well that just happened to me. I read a book called Blaze(or Love in the Time of Supervillains). 
It would've been such a great read but something really majorly bothered me about it. I could've actually liked this book had the author done it a little better. And, hey, maybe it's just me. On goodreads, it has a 3.5 rating and some people actually seemed to like it. I guess it just wasn't for me. 

Anyway, after finishing this, my faith in bookkind was faltering a bit. I seriously doubted whether I wanted to actually read another one of my unread books and risk disappointment. 

So I decided I'd go on a graphic novel binge instead. However I only had two graphic novels so it couldn't be called a binge(it would be like saying you we're going on a Kool-Aid binge and only drinking two cups). Anyway, I decided to read this one first: 

Let me tell you: this book is awesome! I looooved it! It was so funny and great and funny! XD This is how books should be. Of course, this is a graphic novel so that's sorta different but more books nowadays should be humorous, not just sarcastic. The seriousness of books nowadays just gets to me and sometimes takes a toll. I mean, if I'm reading like ten books in a row about the earth's end and one person(or not-person depending on the book) has to save it, you think my outlook will be all positivity and smiles? No, I'll be joining the rest of the world in waiting for the zombie apocalypse, thank you very much. Anyway, yes, I'm exaggerating just a bit here but my main point is: books today don't have to be just save the world or find a boyfriend(or get your heart torn out by one). They should be a little more humorous and light hearted every once in a while. 

But to get back to the point of this blog: my faith in bookkind is now restored and I'm going to read the other graphic novel and then settle down with an actual book. 

Signing off, 
Sumiyya <3

Friday, June 14, 2013

Follow Ups and Sequels

Hello! I know, I know, I haven't been here since last year's SWUR. However, I was thinking of posting about books I'm waiting to read on my main blog and then I realized that I had a second blog for that purpose(duh!) so I came here.

So this blog is about series follow ups and sequels I have been waiting to read for, like, ever(exaggeration :P).

1. Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier(Ruby Red Trilogy book #3)

I am loving the Ruby Red Trilogy so far and I really can't wait for the last book. Like, seriously, hurry up and come out already!

2. School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins

Honestly, I'd hoped there would be another book to the Hex Hall series but I cannot wait to read this book either. If you're wondering why I haven't read it yet when it's been out for a while now is because my library still has it on hold for me and I'm in 4th place! Ugh, I really can't wait.

3. Othermoon by Nina Berry(Otherkin #2)

Oh my gosh, I absolutely loved Otherkin! That book was so action packed and awesome. The sequel just has to be banging so yeah, can't wait! Oh, and yes, I know it's already out but again my library is so bonk! They don't have the book so I'll have to ILL request it. *Sigh*

4. Library Wars: Love and War(Volume #9 and #10)

So we've already established that my library sucks so I'm currently awaiting the ILL request of this book. Also, number 10 will be out in August, yay! So I can ILL request that too. :)

5. Sweet Legacy(Medusa Girls Trilogy book #3)

The Medusa Girls trilogy has got me wrapped up in it's bookish fingers. I cannot wait for the final book!

Okay so there are a bit more books I've been waiting for but I'll stop here because I can't remember them all :P So bye for now!

Read on my friends,

Sumiyya <3