Monday, September 23, 2013

To Read List *Sigh*

I don't know if you know(Why would you?) but reading is getting hard for me to do as my iPod proves to be a huge distraction. I'm sure we all know how that is. Technology is distracting. Even if you're not doing anything of real importance on your device, you're still deeply engrossed in it. Lately, I've been hooked on Instagram. Let me tell you, I scroll through my Instagram feed about 4 times before realizing it's the same stuff I've seen and then I move onto the popular page. Then after a little while I'll go surf a hashtag. So yeah, Instagram has got me wrapped up. Also YouTube. Yup, YouTube. Need I say more? :D

Anyway, the real point of this blog is that because it's getting harder for me to focus on reading, I have a huge to-read list. I'm going to list it below but unfortunately, no pictures this time as there are a lot of books and I'm feeling too lazy to surf the web for the pics of them all. 

So first on my list and actually a currently reading not to-read is: 
The Mortal Instruments Book Four: City of Fallen Angels. 

It's been pretty good so far. The whole series is good actually. It's kinda like this: the series is good and the plot is good but sometimes it's a teensy bit dry but I like to read it anyway. You know what I mean? 

So now I'll just actually list the books instead of saying the title an then a little more. :D

Here goes: 
Case Closed Volumes 41- 47 by Gosho Aoyama
Othermoon by Nina Berry
Wonder Show by Hannah Barnaby 
The Mortal Instruments Book Five: City of  Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
The Infernal Devices Book 1: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare(book and graphic novel adaptation)
Chantress by Amy Greenfield
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Taste Test by Kelly Fiore
Infinityglass by Myra McEntire
Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Momo by Michael Ende
Team Human by Justine Larbalester
In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters
Rampant by Dan Peterfreund 
Intuition by C.J. Omololu 
Transcendence by C.J. Omololu 
Born of Illusion by Teri Brown
Two Lies and a Spy by Cat Carlton 
Sweet Legacy by Tera Lynn Childs
The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech
The Boy on the Porch by Sharon Creech
Decked with Holly by Marni Bates 

So all in all I have 34 books to read. Good thing I'm almost finished with my currently reading book so I can get on to the others. I think I'll go smallest amount of pages to largest amount of pages, that way I finish faster. 

Well that's my extensive to-read list. 

Read on, my friends(I know I will try), 

Sumiyya <3