Monday, June 17, 2013

Faith in Bookkind Restored

You know how sometimes when you read a book that was so disappointing and not what you expect it to be you sorta lose faith in the bookkind? Well that just happened to me. I read a book called Blaze(or Love in the Time of Supervillains). 
It would've been such a great read but something really majorly bothered me about it. I could've actually liked this book had the author done it a little better. And, hey, maybe it's just me. On goodreads, it has a 3.5 rating and some people actually seemed to like it. I guess it just wasn't for me. 

Anyway, after finishing this, my faith in bookkind was faltering a bit. I seriously doubted whether I wanted to actually read another one of my unread books and risk disappointment. 

So I decided I'd go on a graphic novel binge instead. However I only had two graphic novels so it couldn't be called a binge(it would be like saying you we're going on a Kool-Aid binge and only drinking two cups). Anyway, I decided to read this one first: 

Let me tell you: this book is awesome! I looooved it! It was so funny and great and funny! XD This is how books should be. Of course, this is a graphic novel so that's sorta different but more books nowadays should be humorous, not just sarcastic. The seriousness of books nowadays just gets to me and sometimes takes a toll. I mean, if I'm reading like ten books in a row about the earth's end and one person(or not-person depending on the book) has to save it, you think my outlook will be all positivity and smiles? No, I'll be joining the rest of the world in waiting for the zombie apocalypse, thank you very much. Anyway, yes, I'm exaggerating just a bit here but my main point is: books today don't have to be just save the world or find a boyfriend(or get your heart torn out by one). They should be a little more humorous and light hearted every once in a while. 

But to get back to the point of this blog: my faith in bookkind is now restored and I'm going to read the other graphic novel and then settle down with an actual book. 

Signing off, 
Sumiyya <3

Friday, June 14, 2013

Follow Ups and Sequels

Hello! I know, I know, I haven't been here since last year's SWUR. However, I was thinking of posting about books I'm waiting to read on my main blog and then I realized that I had a second blog for that purpose(duh!) so I came here.

So this blog is about series follow ups and sequels I have been waiting to read for, like, ever(exaggeration :P).

1. Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier(Ruby Red Trilogy book #3)

I am loving the Ruby Red Trilogy so far and I really can't wait for the last book. Like, seriously, hurry up and come out already!

2. School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins

Honestly, I'd hoped there would be another book to the Hex Hall series but I cannot wait to read this book either. If you're wondering why I haven't read it yet when it's been out for a while now is because my library still has it on hold for me and I'm in 4th place! Ugh, I really can't wait.

3. Othermoon by Nina Berry(Otherkin #2)

Oh my gosh, I absolutely loved Otherkin! That book was so action packed and awesome. The sequel just has to be banging so yeah, can't wait! Oh, and yes, I know it's already out but again my library is so bonk! They don't have the book so I'll have to ILL request it. *Sigh*

4. Library Wars: Love and War(Volume #9 and #10)

So we've already established that my library sucks so I'm currently awaiting the ILL request of this book. Also, number 10 will be out in August, yay! So I can ILL request that too. :)

5. Sweet Legacy(Medusa Girls Trilogy book #3)

The Medusa Girls trilogy has got me wrapped up in it's bookish fingers. I cannot wait for the final book!

Okay so there are a bit more books I've been waiting for but I'll stop here because I can't remember them all :P So bye for now!

Read on my friends,

Sumiyya <3