Friday, July 26, 2013

Othermoon by Nina Berry

What's up bookworms? How's it been? Yeah, I know, 21 days since my last post. So what? :P

Anyway, I'm here today to tell you a bit about the book I'm currently reading and don't worry: no spoilers! 

The book is Othermoon by Nina Berry.
It's the sequel to Otherkin which, I must say, was an awesome book. 

So, since I had  to wait a long time for this book to come out, I had sorta forgot what happened in Otherkin. However, a short trip through this book and it all came rushing back. Well, most of it anyway, just what I needed to remember.

Anyway, here's the gist of the series:

It's a book about a girl who can shift into a tiger. That's all I'm going to say. Go check this series out! 

Btw, I'm quite liking the development in the second book(this one). ^^

Read on my friends, 

Sumiyya <3

Friday, July 5, 2013

Ah, The Accursed Book

For some reason, today I was thinking of when my youngest sister was small. Like 2 years old small. When we lived in South Africa. She used to like this book called Lulu's Holiday:

We'd gotten it for her once at the library. We read it to her and from then on, she was hooked. She'd ask anyone and everyone to read it to her by simply holding up the book and saying: "Lulu Holiday!" We'd groan every time. We used to argue over who would read it to her that time. 

We were so grateful when it was time to take it back. But when we went back to the library, she'd seek it out and find it and we'd have to get it all over again. It got to the point where we would start seeking out Lulu's Holiday ourselves and hide it where she couldn't find it. 

Speaking of hiding books though, in that library you could only check out 5 books per card. So people actually used to hide books that they wanted to get but couldn't behind the row of other books. Sometimes we'd purposely look behind the books to see if anyone hid anything and if it was any good or sometimes if we came across a hidden book we'd just surreptitiously put it back in the hidden place. We even tried hiding books sometimes too. It would work sometimes but not others. 

Anyway, that was just a trip back into my(and my little sister's) past. 

Read on my friends, 

Sumiyya <3