Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Books I Own


I kinda forgot to post yesterday :/ So here's another Tuesday blog for you. :D

So, as promised(for once), I'm doing a little blog on the books that I own and a brief story about how I got them. Honestly, I'm not like a lot of other book lovers who splurges their money on books. Mainly because I don't have money a lot of the time and a little because I don't actually like owning books. When I own books I don't read them because I get a lot of books from the library and since those are due on a certain date while the books I own are not, I read them first and it just keeps going that way. Now that I won't be able to get library books for a while, I'm going to try and read all the books that I own. 

On that note, let's get into the books that I own:

1. Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson

I won this book as one of the prizes when I won the preliminary round of the Scrabble Tournament I participated in last year. I picked it out from a small selection of books. I just began reading this on Sunday while on a trip for 3 hours. I'm really liking it so far. 

2. From the Files of Madison Finn Super Edition Number 3 by Laura Dower

My mother bought this for me from a thrift store because she knew that I liked the Madison Finn series. I've already read this one but it doesn't hurt to own it if I ever want to read it again. 

3. Living with Ghosts

This is a Chinese book that I bought from the library because I was hoping that it was Japanese. Anyway, it looks really cute and interesting and I might try and learn some Chinese just to read it. :D

4. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 

I'm sure everyone is familiar with this book. I got it when I went to a book club meeting that was discussing this book. The first 5 people to come got a free copy and since only a few people came, we all got copies.

5. Mysterious Messages by Gary Blackwood 

I got this book from the Free Book bin at our library. I thought it looked interesting and everything. It turns out it's a book about all kinda of different codes thought history. I thought it would've been a story with a plot that incorporated this but it wasn't so I was a bit disappointed. 

6. A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears by Jules Feiffer

I don't actually own this book, I believe it belongs to my father, but I have it anyway. It is a really interesting and really funny book. 

7. Outpost by Ann Aguirre

This book is the sequel to Enclave, which I never read. I got this book specially sent to me and signed by the author because I participated in a Skype chat with the author along with some other teens including my sister. She liked the Skype session so much that she decided to send us all new, signed copies of her most recent book at the time Outpost, the sequel to Enclave. It was very nice of her. I never did end up reading either though.

8. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

I got this book as part of the K12 package when I did 8th grade with K12. I still have yet to finish it but I have started it and I hope to finish it as soon as I can.

9. A Long Way from Chicago and A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

This is a two book in one special that I got as one of the summer reading prizes. I have not read either stories yet. 

10. Sing Down the Moon by Scott O'Dell

I believe this was last year's Summer Reading prize. I picked it out because I loved Scott O'Dell's book Island of the Blue Dolphins and I thought that I'd enjoy this one as well. I still have yet to read it though. 

So that's it for all the books I own. I told you it wasn't very many. Also, sorry for the low quality pictures. It's getting late and I want to go to bed so I don't really have time to set up and edit and all that. 

Anyway, that's pretty much it. 

Read on my friend, 

Sumiyya <3

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